Thursday, December 5, 2013

Buenos Aires

Hmm... Not sure if this is going to work from the iPad, but here goes.

We will be in Argentina for two weeks. Plan is for two day in Buenos Aires (check) and the rest in Patagonia. So far here are the highlights:

- For the second time in three months I have been the 'doc on board.' Marta helped this time, however reluctantly. (She had just popped her Ambien and was ready for bedtime in economy class.) It was a case of syncope vs therapeutic misadventure (with Ambien ironically) in an old lady up in first class. For added degree of difficulty, she happened to be Spanish-speaking only. She checked out okay. We were rewarded with free bottles of water. Awesome.

- Yesterday we toured the most popular attraction in all of Buenos Aires - a cemetery. Yep. Recoleta. It is several city blocks of the who's who of dead Argentinians including Evita (of 'Don't Cry for me Argentina' fame). Lovely really.

- It is summer time here in the city. Hot hot hot. Best part however is that it stays light until 8 or 9pm. Man I miss that in the winter.

-Second best part of summer in Buenos Aires: Realization that Argentinians are a really attractive group of people.

- Today we elected to take the Subte (subway) to the city center and go on foot through apparently the entire rest of the city of 16 million people. What I'm trying to say is I have shin splints. Anyhow, Marta thinks the subway reminded her most of the NYC subway and not so much of the DC or ATL mass transit systems. (I have no idea what she means by this.)

- City center was pretty standard. Walk to the 'Old District' was also okay. But the real highlight was 'La Bombonera.' Home to Boca Juniors football club, it is one of the stadiums of world football. It seems like an intimidating and yet exhilarating venue to take in a match. Last match day in the Aperatura is this weekend and we unfortunately won't be in town.

Pictures will have to be posted separately. This thing isn't working.

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