Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cambodia: Siem Reap, Saturday

With Sam-Ang right on time, we were off for our second day of temple-ing. First stop was Ta Som - home to the most ruthless 5 year-old sales people in all of Cambodia. They pushed their scarves and handicrafts with a certain zeal not seen at the neighboring temples. They were like used car salesmen after slamming a couple energy drinks, only cute. We melted, this time not to the heat but rather their persistence.

A few dollars lighter, we went off to the Bellagio pools of the Angkor empire at Banteay Samre. Composed of one central pool surrounded by four equal-sized pools in each of the cardinal directions it was a unique site. In fact, the temples of Angkor as a whole can probably best be summed up by the popular broken English saying in this corner of the world: same same, but different.

Preah Khan was next on the docket and this massive site offered lots to explore. In fact we contracted a guide... well kind of. The local police officer was so kind to show us around (insert sarcasim). We obliged with a tip, but he seemed bummed we couldn't pay him in Thai dollars. I still don't get that. Anyhow - whatever. It was a cool site, but lunch was calling.

After a lunch in which Joe tried to aspirate a chili pepper (good thing he had a huge coconut juice to wash it down), we went to visit the smiling faces at Banyon. Someone had a lot of free time on their hands... the bas-reliefs that cover the entire outside of the site are crazy. We are still baffled at how so many intricate carvings were produce to adorn the walls and the surrounding terraces. Ascending the temple you come face to face (literally) with 216 carved faces that adorn 54 towers. Very cool. Speaking of cool, we were not. A quick stop in the shade proved no match for the heat and after a quick walk around the surrounding terraces we retreated to the air conditioned car and headed back to town.

Pool, then massage. Obviously.

To cap the night off we went to a dinner buffet and show. It was actually a pretty good time. The food was good as was the show. I think the costumes were the highlight.

Ta Som
Faces on the entry gate to Ta Som.
Hey Lady... you want postcard... one, two, three...
Elephant statue at Neak Pean
One of the many faces that greets you on the entryway to Preah Khan

Hall of the Dancers at Preah Khan
Preah Khan
Tree swallows the back of Preah Khan
Preah Khan
Joe sucks down some coconut juice at lunch.
Smiling faces at Banyon that surround you from all sides.

Buddhist monk at Banyon
Banyon - a really stunning site.
Dancers at dinner show

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