Sunday, April 17, 2011

Peru: Conchucos, Chavin

This is under construction....

Home again! Chavin Plaza de Armas. My family's house is right behind the fountain.
Me in front of my family's house.

Holding it down in the kitchen while Maria runs and errand.

The National Museum of Chavin. Built by the Japanese after I left, this museum actually offers a pretty stunning display of things found at the ruins of Chavin and gives a great overview of the influence that the Chavin culture once had.
Pituto - This is a conch shell which likely came from the coast near present-day Guayaquil, Ecuador that was carved and thought to be played almost as a trumpet during ceremonies. In 2001, there were 19 pitutos found at the Chavin site by the Stanford archeological group headed by John Rick. The group comes every year bringing Stanford undergrads to help with the excavation and restoration of the ruins. They employ many local youth, including my host brother. (The Stanford kids also bring great business to my family's cafeteria!)
The Chavin ruins are a really amazing place - also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. These stone carved heads adorned the outside of the temples as you can see in the depiction behind these heads. However, all but one have now been removed and there is a large collection on display at the museum.
Close up shot of the Obilesco Tello which stood in the middle of the circular plaza.
My other favorite family in Chavin. The two on the left are family from Huaraz. Then there is Sonia, Marjory, Elita, Ernesto and Ernestito. They are very gracious hosts and have to be applauded for really pushing for the best education their kids can get.
Bull Ring. Used one day a year. Excellent investment.
Two million dollar bus terminal. Yet to be completed. It will even have an elevator in it when completed. I believe that will be the first elevator in the entire valley. It also will have a futbol field so people can play while waiting for the bus - obviously.
Plazuela on the north end of town.
My parent's Cafeteria with horse riding gear in the background.

My host mom Maria and my host brother Renato give Arena a bath. Their German Shepard that they had when I lived there just recently passed away.

View of the ruins of Chavin from above town.
View of Chavin from above town.
Plaza de Armas. (In front of the church, there is a truck. In front of the truck, there is a white car making a right turn. The house the white car is turning in front of is where I lived.)

Another view of Chavin from above.

My family's pregnant cow and their stable.

Plaza de Armas.

Plaza de Armas.

Plaza de Armas. My family's house on the left.
My family: Maria, Pericles, Renato and the dog Arena.
Drew, Marta, Maria, Pericles and Renato. They are so good to us.

1 comment:

  1. I live in Trujillo and I have a friend that her mother lives in Conchucos. She went to visit her mom and she post some pics on her facebook from her vacation there. I really Ike the place. I google it and I found your beautiful pics. it looks like u had a great time there. Do they have Internet? Just wondering !
